1) Sam at the cafe: I had a wonderful conversation today (Tues. Dec. 9) with my new friend Sam, who I met last week at the cafe near my house. He's a film producer/camera man from US who was born in Israel, but has been living abroad for over 30 years and now he's back for the first time to live here. He's such an interesting man, who's experienced so much in his life through his work in film & tv. We connected right away and today on my way home from shopping, I saw him in the cafe again and had a nice long chat about life, happiness and those precious moments in life when one truly feels happiness. It got quite deep and philosophical, which was a nice interlude from the day to day chit chat. It was great. I love when I meet people who can talk about real stuff. I've made a new friend! and he also happens to be extremely well connected in the film & tv world. He knows a famous anchor woman on CBC who he offered to link me up with, if I have a compelling story relating to my work with Drum Artz. Who knows, these things sometimes come together in unexpected ways. You never know... you just never know.
Nonetheless, we were meant to meet each other, that I am sure of, even if only for today's great chat and his help with the scanner :-)
Here's a photo that Sam took of the Tel Aviv harbour...
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